Monday, May 23, 2016


Well today we got transfer calls and I am leaving. So now I have a day to pack, which for those of you who know me will be quite a challenge. 
Because of a new policy I don't know where I will be going. 
The whole thing is quite stressful. 

It has been an okay week, we had a good District Meeting where we talked a lot about finding new people to teach, which has been a struggle lately. 

We got back into contact with Katherine! Yay! 
She has been having a hard time. She has decided to leave her husband because he is not a very kind person to her. She said that he told her to leave anyway and that he would buy her bus ticket to Alabama. 
Not sure if that is actually going to happen though.... 
He didn't seem like that kind of guy that would do that for anyone. 
I hope that she does get to go though. Even though that would mean we wouldn't be able to see her anymore, at least she would be away from that guy. She would be in a better place and closer to her children.

On Friday we saw that the Ramirez family signed up to have us over for dinner. This was quite odd because neither of us had even met them before! They have the Elders over frequently but we hadn't been over. So when we saw their name we thought that they might have meant for the Elder, which later they admitted that they did but they were still glad they had us, we called them in advance to see if they were good with us coming over. 
Yeah that was an awkward phone call....Bro Ramirez speaks very little English. 
All he said was, "My wife said you come to my house tonight" 
So we decided that we would go and that it might be awkward because at that point we didn't know any of them. We were worried that they all spoke Spanish.

Fast forward to dinner time. We had no idea how to get to their house so we were wandering. 

We sat down at one point and texted the Elders to ask where the Ramirez's live, and a vulture must have thought we were dead because it started circling above us and then....and then it SWOOPED TOWARD US!
For those of you who don't know this, I am terrified of all winged creatures.
Needless to say that wasn't a fun experience for me. Lucky it was just going down to eat some road kill on the side of the road and not us but it was still a close call. 

That's right I am a Disney Princess. I have birds flocking to me. They may be vultures but they are still birds!
The Evil One

Anyway, we finally get the the Ramirez's home and it turned out to be really fun and we had a great time! Also we had a lot of hot spicy food. Dad would enjoy it. 
Sister Ramirez spoke English and so does her son and her grandchildren so it wasn't super awkward. In fact we had a Fiesta! 

Yesterday we got to go and have dinner with the Loggins family! I am going to miss those people but I guess they know where I live now so I will probably see them again. 
Welcome to Smackover

I have loved the ward here and I hope that I can come back in the future because they are my family now. Everyone is so friendly and funny. I love them all!! 

I am looking forward to my new area though. I know that I am needed elsewhere now. I don't want to leave Sister Olsen....I am contemplating how in trouble I would be if I abducted her....and if it is worth it.

The Last Goodbye from El Dorado!

P.s. Smelly came back! He was trying to avoid us. One time we even saw him and so we yelled "Smelly!" and he fast walked away from us! 
But he came back and wanted more love. 
He loves us he just doesn't want to admit it.
Smelly!! He wouldn't stop moving.


My district. Me, Sister Olsen, Elder Rigby, and Elder Bingham
Elder Rigby is a weirdo
I drew this picture for Sister Olsen. It is fabulous.
Almedia's dog Mackenzie. She loves us!

Smackover's traffic light
We are freaks
Jesus lives

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